Your video clips are extremely universal and seem to be a very important part of your approach.
I am definitely very attached to images, because music is an invisible art and I want people to see it! I want it to live, move and take on a physical presence, which is why I create various kinds of animated objects that give it a face, colors and meaning.
Do your outfits also contribute to the story you want to tell?
Yes, for my first album, Zanaka (which means “child” in Malagasy), I wore a black dress with a white Claudine collar that evoked my childhood years in the Congo. For the second album, Souldier*, I created a soldier of love wearing a somewhat strict outfit, but with very “funky” colors!
You do a lot of touring around the world. How do you feel about being on stage?
The stage is where the real job takes place and connecting with the audience necessarily involves live performance.
*Souldier, released in August 2018, is a certified platinum album.
Based on an interview by Michèle Wouters
Photos © Paul & Martin